Bilingual Yoga + Sound

Presented in partnership with Castle Hill Fitness
Location: Moody Amphitheater
Date: March 31, 2025
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 PM

Instructor: Aneika & Isabel with ESB MACC

Bilingual Yoga + Sound w/ Castle Hill Fitness & Waterloo Greenway: Melt away stress and tension with Isabel and Aneika. This class combines gentle yoga poses, breathing techniques & guided relaxation w/ sound healing to help calm the mind & enhance overall well-being. Bring a yoga mat.

Yoga Bilingüe + Sonido con Castle Hill Fitness + Waterloo Greenway: Derrite el estrés y la tensión con Isabel y Aneika. Esta clase combina posturas suaves de yoga, técnicas de respiración y relajación guiada con sonido curativo para ayudar a calmar la mente y mejorar el bienestar general. Trae una esterilla de yoga.