### Waller Creek Conversations is a series of interactive activities and small-group conversations designed to engage the public to share feedback and ideas on what a vibrant Waller Creek Park looks like to the Austin community.
2017 Conversations: Austinites are invited to come see designs for the new Waller Creek Park at Waller Creek Conversations, a series of free public sessions with the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department, on Saturday, May 13 and Wednesday, May 17. The community will see designs for the district, including Waterloo Park, the Moody Amphitheater, and a first look at the Waller Delta, where the mouth of the creek meets Lady Bird Lake. Click here for more info.
2016 Conversations: Through a series of Palm Park Conversations held in May and September of 2016, in partnership with the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department, participants from neighborhood associations, city leadership, community and parks advocates, along with partner organizations and local government staff shared their personal stories, ideas, and feedback about Palm Park. Many favorite memories included festivals and special events, games, playing in the creek with friends, and enjoying the swimming pool. Attendees shared feedback regarding the history of the park, including the significance of the shelter house and Palm School. Discussions included access, homelessness, challenges with I-35 and community connections, preserving trees, and improving safety concerns. Ideas focused on intergenerational activities, providing trees and shade, preserving the history, creating flexible spaces, and including nature-based playscapes.
An online survey in May 2016 resulted in 230 responses, providing valuable feedback on past experiences, current uses, and future needs of Palm Park:
How often do you visit parks?
29.1% Almost daily
35.7% Once a week
17.8% Once a month
6.5% Several times per year (10+)
5.7% A few times per year (less than 5)
5.2% Never
How would you describe the type of parks that you visit most often?
48.7% Neighborhood Park
19.1% Regional/Metropolitan park
1.3% National park
27.8% Trail or bikeway
3% Other
How far will you travel to visit a park?
6.5% Less than 5 minutes
42.6% 5-15 minutes
31.7% 15-30 minutes
8.3% 30-60 minutes
10.9% Greater than 1-hour
When is the last time you visited Palm Park?
17.8% Within the last month
27% 1 month-1 year
13% 1-5 years
10% 5 or more years ago
32.2% Never
When you visit Palm Park, how do you get there?
41.7% Car
5.7% Public Transit
18.3% Bike
29.1% Walk
3% Carpool/Rideshare
28.3% Never visited
1.7% Other
Choose the three options that are most important to you in Palm Park:
38% Children’s playscapes
42.8% Places to picnic and barbecue
44.1% Amphitheaters for community programs and gatherings
58.5% Places for nature exploration
39.7% Festival and special event space
25.8% Water play/splash pad
26.6% Space for sports and activities
What are the best assets that Palm Park currently has to offer? Select three.
80.9% Location
46.5% History
38.3% Easy to access
61.3% Open space
8.7% Events and programs
10.4% Playground
48.3% Trees
5.7% Other
What is the most pressing challenge confronting Palm Park?
16.5% Location
18.3% Parking
7.4% Hard to find
14.3% No activities that interest me
28.3% Not well maintained
15.2% Unsafe
Photo: David Brendan Hall